Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obama Releases Long Form Birth Certificate - Finally!

The Wall Street Journal reports that Barack Obama has FINALLY released his long form birth certificate.  If he would have just done this two years ago, we wouldn't have had all of this non-sense.  I have said all along that he brought all of this on himself by not just releasing it.

Now maybe we can stop having to hear from Donald Trump.  Of course he is taking credit:

"I'm taking great credit and you have to ask the president, 'why didn't he do this a long time ago? Why didn't he do it a long time ago?' When Hillary Clinton was asking, when everybody was asking, why didn't he do it? It's shocking. It's shocking," 
Let's not have this issue again in the future.  We need laws in place that specifically details what we mean by "natural born" and requires proof of that status.  I posted on this in a previous post