I saw something this morning that really surprised me...a school bus....with kids on it. Yes, I found out the schools are still open. Huh...how can that be?
I talked to a neighbor and they told me that there would be school on Monday too...that will be day seven of the shut down and they still haven't closed the schools. Once again, I'm amazed. How can we hope to educate our youth without the ever present Federal bureaucracy?
Well, probably the same way we always do...at the State, county and local school district level. The US Department of Education does nothing to educate children. They only get in the way of the local school boards and skim money from the tax roles that could be better used to pay teachers and improve schools. The US Department of Education has only been in existence since 1979, and in that time the US has steadily slipped in test scores and is now ranked 17th in the world for education. A lot of good that $68 billion a year does for us.
And remember, like every other department and program, the money for the Department of Education...including the money it gives out in grants...comes from the people of the States. First, they skim their sizable share off the top, and then they use what's left to bribe States and local schools to operate in the way the central planners think best.
Hmmm...one more reason we don't need an all-intrusive Federal leviathan. Hey, I'm thinking we really do need to keep this shut down going!