Sunday, January 20, 2013

Traitors to Posterity?

Somebody should have read this to Nancy Pelosi when she was in such a hurry to pass Obamacare that she said, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.” 

This comes from the John DeWitt Essay I of the Anti-Federalist Papers:

"But it ought to undergo a candid and strict examination. It is the duty of every one in the Commonwealth to communicate his sentiments to his neighbour, divested of passion, and equally so of prejudices. If they are honest and he is a real friend to his country, he will do it and embrace every opportunity to do it. If thoroughly looked into before it is adopted, the people will be more apt to approve of it in practice, and every man is a TRAITOR to himself and his posterity, who shall ratify it with his signature, without first endeavouring to understand it. -- We are but yet in infancy; and we had better proceed slow than too fast. -- It is much easier to dispense powers, then recall them."

Monday, January 7, 2013

What's the Truth About Crime?

Benjamin Disraeli is said to have observed that, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."  Politicians are are experts at lying and using selected statistics to further their own, power-grubbing agendas.  This has never been more evident than with the newest round of anti-gun pontifications that has followed the Sandy Hook shooting.  While EVERYONE believes that this was a horrendous incident and that we need to protect our children from such crimes, the politicians seem to ignore the truth and bend and distort the statistics to further a political agenda, rather than solve a problem.

Amidst The Noise has done a very thought provoking video where they begin to delve into the real crime stats and ask some important questions.  Take the time to watch and then begin to ask yourself, what are the true motivations of these liars...these pretenders...our elected officials.