Socialists and Other Miscreants

This page has links to posts that talk about socialist influences and activities within our own government.

Ashamed?  The latest insult to our the maelstrom that is being whipped up over the so-called sequestration cuts to the is only "44 billion dollars...that's the total amount of money that will not be spent that was scheduled to be spent this year.  And, in truth, we're gonna spend more this year than we spent last year...There is no real cut below a base-line of zero."

Informed Mistrust: The gun control issue is about far more than guns. It is about whether a small group of hypocritical, ruling-elite totalitarians in Washington can nullify our basic rights at their own whim. It is about whether we are a nation of laws, based on the bedrock of a Constitution, or are to be ruled by the "tyranny of the majority," swayed by every wind of populist frenzy which would see every "good crisis," real or manufactured, as a reason to usurp our rights.

The Sin of Redistribution:Professor Walter E. Williams makes the case that redistribution of wealth by government is theft, and therefore a sin.

Obama: RedistributionistWho can deny that Obama is a communist?  You might play semantics about the definition of communist, or socialist, etc, but these all come from the same root philosophers and thinkers.  Karl Marx did not make such distinctions.  To him, communism was just one type of socialism.

The Truth Behind "You Didn't Build That"
When Obama made his now infamous "You didn't build that,"speech, we got a deeper insight into the true beliefs and motivations of this president.  As Daren Jonescu points out in his article in the American Thinker, Obama is espousing a central tenet of communist doctrine, namely, there is no private ownership of property. 

Bill Whittle explains how, because of the way he was raised, Obama couldn't help but believe Marxist dogma.

The Socialist Ascendancy:
Anyone but the most sheltered or willfully ignorant among us must surely be able to see that the socialists have come to Washington and have taken over. Socialists, Marxists, communists, progressives ... call them what you want, these all come from the same root philosophies...

Godless Socialists:
Throughout the last more than half century, communists, fascists and socialists of all stripes have persecuted Christians, Jews and other people of faith. From Stalin to Mao to Pol Pot and others, an estimated 100 million or more “religious” people have been murdered in atheist purges, and many millions more placed in prison, work camps or chased out of their homes as refugees.

In the United States of America, faith has been under attack for as many decades through subtler and certainly less lethal measures...

Why is it that the political Left in America feel the need to hide their true identities...motivations...goals?  In Europe and other parts of the world, the Left does not shy away from the truth of who they are.  They are quite willing to proclaim that they are...Socialists...

The Political Pendulum:
 Politics, like many other systems, moves in cycles or swings between opposing views.  The political spectrum is typically divided into Left and Right.  The "Left" includes "Liberals" and Progressives". The "Right" is made up of "Conservatives" and "Libertarians."  These labels, of course, are generalizations.  Some who have very "Conservative" fiscal views can hold "Liberal" social views or vice versa.  As with any range, there are also extremes.  The "Far Left" includes "Socialist" and "Totalitarians."  The "Far Right" includes "Survivalists" and "Anarchists."  The majority of the population are somewhere in the middle...between the extremes...

Don't Fall for Class Warfare:
The most used tactic of the Left, whether Communists, Socialists, Maoists, Stalinist, Nazis, Fascists...or American Liberals/Progressives, is class warfare. Class warfare is simply a tactic of pitting different groups against each other for the purpose of polarizing or rallying segments of population around around a cause or to the side of a group vying for political power...

Rich vs. Poor:
Much political capital has been gained by espousing the view that, "the rich keep getting richer, while the poor get poorer."  This is a standard, and quite effective weapon of the class warriors.  Those who view themselves as poor are driven to envy and resentment against the rich by such phrases...and this resentment drives their voting choices. 

Centralized Economies and the Arrogance of Power:
Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Fascists always arrogantly believe that though it may never have succeeded before, they can make a centralized economy work. They never look at the root cause of past failures, they just believe that success was elusive because enough wasn’t done or the right people weren’t in charge…and they, of course, are the right people...

It Can’t Happen Here…Can It?:
While many Americans seem to be waking up to the threat of a centralized, statist government to our liberties, many, I fear, believe it could never happen here. They cannot conceive of a totalitarian take over of our country. How could it possibly happen here? I believe a better question is what makes us think it can’t happen here?...

The Destruction of America:
In the 1980s, Soviet defector and ex-KGB agent, Yuri Brezmenov warned of calculated and on-going subversive activities designed to destroy America.  This is just as former Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev told us they would do.