Tuesday, December 29, 2009

U.S. Sovereignty and Barack Obama

It looks as if he's at it again...Barack Obama has signed an executive order to allow the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) unprecedented freedom of operation within the United States.

Former assistant United States attorney Andy McCarthy says in his article at National Review Online that, "This international police force (whose U.S. headquarters is in the Justice Department in Washington) will be unrestrained by the U.S. Constitution and American law while it operates in the United States and affects both Americans and American interests outside the United States."

No president should be able to sign away our Constitutional protections or U.S sovereignty through executive order.  This order should be rescinded immediately and a Congressional investigation should be undertaken to get to the bottom of the motives behind this move.

Mr. McCarthy asks some very important questions: "Why would we elevate an international police force above American law? Why would we immunize an international police force from the limitations that constrain the FBI and other American law-enforcement agencies? Why is it suddenly necessary to have, within the Justice Department, a repository for stashing government files which, therefore, will be beyond the ability of Congress, American law-enforcement, the media, and the American people to scrutinize?"

Additional  detail is available at http://threatswatch.org/analysis/2009/12/print/wither_sovereignty/.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Barack Obama and the current Democratic leadership, in my opinion, represent the most radical, UN-AMERICAN group to ever gain control in U.S. political history.  That's right, I said it...UN-AMERICAN!  This country was founded on the principles of a "government of  The People, by The People and for The People," as Abraham Lincoln described it.  This group of usurpers do not even pretend to care for the rule of law under the Constitution or the will of the people any longer.  They force their agenda through with bribes, lies and political maneuverings in the dead of the night that would make the most corrupt communist regimes proud.

The current health care issue is just one example of the problem.  They have attempted to rush this legislation through from the beginning.  They tried to conduct votes when the bills were not even made available for review.  They have hidden behind closed doors and voted in the middle of the night.  They have lied about the financial figures and exaggerated the problem to an absurd extent.  They have pressured, threatened and bribed members of congress to get their way.  They have even stated that they don't care if they lose seats, they are going to push it through.  They are determined to thwart the will of the people to gain the centralized power they crave.  Health care is just one area where they are currently attempting to overturn Americanism...there is also "climate change," the banking takeover, the "stimulus" fraud and more. Is this the United States of America or some third-world, despotic banana republic?

How can I call the current government un-American?  Well, if a person did not believe in God...had no regard for the Pope or traditions of the Catholic church, you would not call him a Catholic because he visits a cathedral.  Likewise you would not call a person a Jew because they live on the same block as a synagogue. Why then should we call someone an American who has no regard for the founding principles of this great land just because they live here? What makes an American is not just geography, but belief in the principles of America.  This group of radicals who are in power now do not believe in these principles...indeed, they believe that these principles are outdated, inconvenient or just wrong. They wish to erase the basis of our society (republican federalism, individual liberty and responsibility) and replace it with centralized power, a command economy and redistribution of wealth...SOCIALISM.  These are not just different ideas...they are diametrically opposed world views...they cannot coexist.

Unless we, as citizens, demand a return to the principles that made this country great, we will see the end of America as we know it.  We must not just be content with reversing the course of the last few years, but to return to the basics that have made this republic one of the greatest nations on earth.  We must de-emphasize the centralized Federal government and bring the power back to the States and the People.  We should demand that the 17th Amendment be repealed.  And, in an effort to combat the out-of-control corruption in government, we should demand term limits.  But mostly, we must stop seeing the Federal government as the answer to all of our needs...we cannot allow it to become the source of all power and provision. We must act and vote on the uniquely American principles of our founders, and not from self interest or misguided utopian motives.

The time to act is short.  The People's power is almost gone...and when it is gone, I fear, it will not return without great blood shed.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Godless Socialists

During this season, as I have heard again the stories of companies who will not say “Christmas,” and discussions of whether manger scenes should be allowed in public places, I began to think about the rapid decline of religion in our public lives and the role of socialism in this trend.

Throughout the last more than half century, communists, fascists and socialists of all stripes have persecuted Christians, Jews and other people of faith. From Stalin to Mao to Pol Pot and others, an estimated 100 million or more “religious” people have been murdered in atheist purges, and many millions more placed in prison, work camps or chased out of their homes as refugees.

In the United States of America, faith has been under attack for as many decades through subtler and certainly less lethal measures. Incremental attacks through the legal system have lead to much of the “political correctness” we now endure in our land of supposed religious freedom. Our founding principals have been twisted; our history revised in an effort to diminish the role of faith in our founding and also in our daily life. Everywhere, the forces of socialism have attempted to purge religion from the public stage. We must have “tolerance” for those who believe differently, they tell us…we can’t display crosses, menorahs, The Ten Commandments, or any other symbols of our Judeo-Christian culture because some may take offense and that wouldn’t be fair.

Through popular culture they have sought to ridicule faith and portray people who believe in God as empty-headed dolts. They make science their religion and say that they are the only enlightened ones, even if they have to tweak their “science” a bit to fit their world view and agendas.

Why is it such a goal of socialists to eliminate God from our lives? Do you believe it is because they are really so concerned about people feeling offended or uncomfortable? Well, they certainly don’t care whether Christians are offended. They tell us that we should not be so touchy about a crucifix in urine, its just art, after all…free expression. They say that we do not have a right to think that homosexuality is immoral, though the Bible clearly defines it as sin. And while many feel perfectly free to heap scorn and contempt on those of faith…the faithful must always show tolerance for others.

Some people may be concerned about offense…some may truly think that belief in God is unenlightened. But these are the masses, the useful idiots of the socialists. I believe, at the highest levels it has nothing to do with these stated reasons. A leader or regime who seeks to wield ultimate power over a people cannot have those people believing in a power higher than their government. Pharaohs, emperors, kings, and dictators through-out the centuries have thought themselves the ultimate power, some even claimed to be gods. They also did not tolerate worship of other “gods.”

The United States of America was founded on a belief in “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” We based our laws and liberties around the notion that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among them are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Americans see their rights coming from a power higher than the government. This creates an obstacle to those who wish to dictate your rights by fiat from the top. How can a government override a right that comes from God…unless they destroy the idea of God on the first place?

Socialists not only seek to destroy the idea of God, but further wish to replace God with the State. No longer do you need to look to God for your needs…no longer should you expect your church to help you in desperate times…No, the State is there to meet your needs – as they define them, of course. The State will tell you what is moral; it will tell you how you should live. All you need to do is give up those silly, outdated ideas of God and personal liberties. Those ideas are selfish and detrimental to the world community. You must be willing to sacrifice these childish notions for the good of the whole. And, of course, trust the State. It only has your best interest at heart.

Whether you are a person of faith or not, religious freedom and the “unalienable rights” which emanate from a higher power than government are vital ingredients to all of our liberties. We must keep government in its rightful place, as servants…not rulers. Our rights do not flow from government’s favor; this is arbitrary and disingenuous. It comes from a place that is above law and government. A place that is constant and true. Call it the Laws of Nature, if you will…I say it is God. But remember, when you cede the power to man, it will become corrupt and self-serving to those who rule. And your freedom, which is most dear in this life, will be lost.

Guard your rights jealously. Do not give them up lightly; they have been won at a great price. Always question government’s motives and always remember in The United States of America, the power of the government lies in We The People.

And, Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Climate Cover-up

Okay...I've waited to see how this Climategate stuff was going to play out before commenting.  Now, it seems that enough is known to make some observations.

The University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) has been one of the most influential organizations in the world in the man-made global warming movement.  The e-mails and data that were obtained (whether they were hacked as originally reported or available on a public server all along as was later reported is not important) shows a pattern of obfuscation and deceit by many of the scientists involved.  As Christopher Booker of the Telegraph reports, Several members of the CRU "have for years been discussing the devious tactics whereby they could avoid releasing their data to outsiders under freedom of information laws."

If the science truly supported the man made global warming claims, you would expect that the CRU would be not only willing, but insistent to share their data.  This is the way science is done...peer review.  Real scientists want to have their findings validated by the wider scientific community.  Peer review can validate theories or invalidate them...but in this way, we move closer and closer to discovering the truth.  Unless, the truth is not the goal.

The apologists have been out in strength.  Some have tried to make the method of the data release the issue...was it legal...was it fair.  Some are making all sort of excuses for the cover-up.  They say that since this is such an important issue, the CRU did not want to delay necessary immediate action because they didn't quite have all of the proof they needed.  And some I've seen just claim that it doesn't matter what the data shows because the ice caps are melting and polar bears are dieing.  I have not seen anyone, though, denying the data's authenticity.

The CRU's data has been used as a key factor in the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommendations to spend trillions of dollars to avert  what they predict to be catastrophic effects of climate change.  The UN and other agencies have made recommendations for international taxes, and other global governance.  Now, however, the IPCC says that it was only one of many inputs.

The CRU defends themselves by saying that their data matches up with the data of other organizations such as NASA and NOAA.  Since we know CRUs data was fudged, this does not really provide defense of their data, but does call to question the data of the other organizations.  There is much to be gained by those who would administer the climate laws...they certainly may have corrupted more than one organization.

So you may be a believer or an unbeliever.  I do not believe that human activity has significant impact on the natural climate change cycles.  But regardless of which side you fall on, are you willing to give up national sovereignty, trillions of dollars and personal freedoms on uncertain science and fudged data?  I'm not.  This needs to be stopped now and a full investigation should be done by outside organizations.