Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Random Thoughts On The Health Care Debate...

>> What in the history of big-government welfare programs gives anyone confidence that another big-government program will make things any better?  While it is generally agreed that some changes are necessary, I believe that many if not most of the current problems with our system are directly and indirectly caused by government interference...more big government will not improve things...it will make them worse. But having said that, there are efficiencies and reforms that can be implemented to help reduce the costs...Once again I ask, does anyone really equate big-government and efficiency?

>> "There's no such thing as a free lunch."  The best health care system in the world isn't cheap..."you get what you pay for."   The axioms above used to be considered "common sense."  Now, we want to ignore common sense and just get bailed-out if we make unwise choices.

>> The Federal Government CANNOT afford to pay for health care...we are already BROKE. 

>> When corporations or municipalities are in default or nearing default of their obligations, they have to submit to the ruling and control of bankruptcy courts and oversight committees to regain their footing and get their obligations met.  They have to make hard choices, reign in spending and cut fat.  I say the same should happen with anyone who chooses to live off the public dole...including free health care. Someone should take over their finances and make sure that they are not spending money on cell phones, cable TV, alcohol, junk food, game consoles, cigarettes, etc., etc., etc., before they say they "can't afford" health care.  We must be held accountable for our decisions in life.  I personally know people who constantly complain that they can't pay their bills and yet they go on vacations every year and sit and spend their money in bars.  Let's see how many would submit to that kind of control.

>> The Democrat's desire to push their health care bill through, despite the fact that a majority of Americans are against it, shows that they view themselves as the "Ruling Class" rather than "Public Servants."

>> America is prosperous enough to provide a safety net for the truly needy.  But this needs to be defined narrowly and not be allowed to include those who are just too lazy or stupid to make the right choices.

>>  Illegal aliens are NOT Americans and do not deserve any free services from our taxes.

>> Okay, let's require that insurers can't deny coverage for preexisting conditions...but how do we keep people from not paying for insurance until they get sick?  This is worth some hard thought.

>> Cheap health care cannot include the ability to run to the doctor...or emergency room...for free every time we have a sniffle.  See above (you get what you pay for).