Sunday, October 31, 2010

Don't Fall for Class Warfare

The most used tactic of the Left, whether Communists, Socialists, Maoists, Stalinist, Nazis, Fascists...or American Liberals/Progressives, is class warfare. Class warfare is simply a tactic of pitting different groups against each other for the purpose of polarizing or rallying segments of population around a cause or to the side of a group vying for political power.

One of the most extreme examples of class warfare was the Nazis. The Nazis pitted a large majority of the German people against the Jews, blaming all of the country's economic and social problems on them. With their lies and propaganda, the Nazis turned the Jews into sub-human monsters in the minds of their people. Because they were viewed as evil, the Jews could be treated in any way the Nazis saw fit. Anyone who had any dealings or sympathy for the Jews were also demonized. Being branded a "Jew lover" could result in ostracization, loss of your job or business, or freedom...or worse.

The Nazis effectively used the Jews as scape goats for all their problems. More than that, they turned them into Boogie Men who had to be stopped at all costs. This led some to become active Nazi henchmen...and many others to turn a blind eye and become passive contributors to the holocaust.

The sad truth about the Nazis was that none of it had anything to do with the Jews, or the good of the German volk (people). None of the escalating actions against the Jewish people, or the Jewish sympathizers, did anything to improve the plight of the common German...not that this would have justified their atrocities. It was only ever about increasing the power of the Nazi party and their Fuhrer. The Jews were only the Boogie Man the Nazis needed to divert attention from their true totalitarian intentions...despite their populist rhetoric. Their Jewish Boogie Men even gave the Nazis cover for aggression against other countries simply by labeling them as Zionist collaborators.

Well, that was in the past. That could never happen in our modern age, right? While American Leftists have not gone to these violent extremes, they do use the same basic class warfare tactics. The American Left has some different Boogie Men...some of these are Racists, Corporations, Wall Street and Insurance Companies. Instead of offering viable solutions or data to back up their positions or policies, they only need to divert attention...they need only cry, "Look out! Boogie Man!"

From the beginning of the Obama campaign, the racist Boogie Man was evoked for anyone who dared to question his ideas or qualifications. This Boogie Man is also often present at discussions of race relations or illegal immigration. These are topics that we are not allowed to be debated in the public square. You can only agree with the "politically correct" stand of the race-based groups or...look out! Racist...Boogie Man!

Corporations and Wall Street are also often made out to be Boogie Men. Even though most Americans benefit from corporations through jobs or services, the purveyors of class warfare demonize corporate America. They want corporations caged through excessive, and might I add unconstitutional, regulation. They want to bleed companies dry through taxation and corporate fees. If you dare point out that their policies destroy jobs and drive corporations to seek refuge in countries who do not punish them for success...they say that you are just in league with the evil corporate Boogie Men. And as far the Wall Street Boogie are your investments working out since the Democrats have been in charge? And yes, they were in control of the House and Senate during the administration of Boogie Man Bush.

No one is saying that there is no racism...that corporations, Wall Street or any other target of class warfare are perfect. But the sad fact is that since class warfare has been escalated in this country, things have not gotten better...they have gotten worse. It has only served to feed populist fears and biases and to accrue power to the would-be Boogie Man slayers. But, of course the Boogie Men can never be slain...they are too valuable a source of power for the Leftists.

The goal of class warfare is never to improve things. In fact, when things do improve, as in race relations, the Left changes the rules. Where Martin Luther King Jr's. very worthy goal of racial equality was beginning to become a reality, the goal was changed to "diversity." With diversity, instead of judging a person by their character or abilities, as King promoted, we are now to just make sure we have the correct balance of color, religion and sexual preference. Has "diversity" improved race, it has caused division. And if you speak out against the tactics, once again the racist Boogie Man serves them well.

Class warfare does not promote debate. It resists the free speech of its enemies. It does not have to show success because it blames it's failures on the Boogie Men. It's policies do not have to be based on sound economic or legal theory because the ends of defeating the Boogie Men justifies their means. And always, we must trust the intentions of the noble Class Warriors.

Class warfare counts on an uninformed and under-educated population. The way to resist class warfare is to know what you believe and why. You must stand on sound principle and historical evidence. You must insist on transparency and open debate. And, you must be aware of the true motives of those who would seek to be your rulers. As you hear the populist rhetoric of politicians and other political groups, ask yourself if it is based on truth. Don't fall for class warfare. Don't fear the Boogie Man.