Saturday, December 26, 2009


Barack Obama and the current Democratic leadership, in my opinion, represent the most radical, UN-AMERICAN group to ever gain control in U.S. political history.  That's right, I said it...UN-AMERICAN!  This country was founded on the principles of a "government of  The People, by The People and for The People," as Abraham Lincoln described it.  This group of usurpers do not even pretend to care for the rule of law under the Constitution or the will of the people any longer.  They force their agenda through with bribes, lies and political maneuverings in the dead of the night that would make the most corrupt communist regimes proud.

The current health care issue is just one example of the problem.  They have attempted to rush this legislation through from the beginning.  They tried to conduct votes when the bills were not even made available for review.  They have hidden behind closed doors and voted in the middle of the night.  They have lied about the financial figures and exaggerated the problem to an absurd extent.  They have pressured, threatened and bribed members of congress to get their way.  They have even stated that they don't care if they lose seats, they are going to push it through.  They are determined to thwart the will of the people to gain the centralized power they crave.  Health care is just one area where they are currently attempting to overturn Americanism...there is also "climate change," the banking takeover, the "stimulus" fraud and more. Is this the United States of America or some third-world, despotic banana republic?

How can I call the current government un-American?  Well, if a person did not believe in God...had no regard for the Pope or traditions of the Catholic church, you would not call him a Catholic because he visits a cathedral.  Likewise you would not call a person a Jew because they live on the same block as a synagogue. Why then should we call someone an American who has no regard for the founding principles of this great land just because they live here? What makes an American is not just geography, but belief in the principles of America.  This group of radicals who are in power now do not believe in these principles...indeed, they believe that these principles are outdated, inconvenient or just wrong. They wish to erase the basis of our society (republican federalism, individual liberty and responsibility) and replace it with centralized power, a command economy and redistribution of wealth...SOCIALISM.  These are not just different ideas...they are diametrically opposed world views...they cannot coexist.

Unless we, as citizens, demand a return to the principles that made this country great, we will see the end of America as we know it.  We must not just be content with reversing the course of the last few years, but to return to the basics that have made this republic one of the greatest nations on earth.  We must de-emphasize the centralized Federal government and bring the power back to the States and the People.  We should demand that the 17th Amendment be repealed.  And, in an effort to combat the out-of-control corruption in government, we should demand term limits.  But mostly, we must stop seeing the Federal government as the answer to all of our needs...we cannot allow it to become the source of all power and provision. We must act and vote on the uniquely American principles of our founders, and not from self interest or misguided utopian motives.

The time to act is short.  The People's power is almost gone...and when it is gone, I fear, it will not return without great blood shed.