Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sold Out...Again

General Motors, that too-big-to-fail American auto maker that was bailed out in 2009 with billions of taxpayer dollars, maybe isn't so American after all.  While GM posted a record profit last year, according to this article on CNN Money, the taxpayers are still waiting on $25.5 billion back from GM on the bailout according to this article.  And though Virg Bernero. Democratic mayor of Saginaw, Michigan said, "I just gotta say 'I told you so' to all the naysayers like Mitt and those Republican southern senators who tried to kill off the domestic auto industry," it seems that GM has been moving more and more production to communist China.

I understand that we live in a global economy and that China is a growing market, but is this really what we paid for?  Is this really good for America and our labor force?  How long will it be until we start importing those vehicles back into the US? How long will it be until "Government Motors" becomes "China Motors?"  How's that for Hope and Change?

Watch this very enlightening video and decide for yourself.