Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Federalism Series - A Primer

Conservatives, Libertarians and friends of liberty take heed.  The forces of statism, the concentration of all power in the centralized government, is at work to completely destroy what once was the the beacon of liberty to the world...the American system of Federalism.  This system was codified in the U. S. Constitution and the Constitutions of many of the founding States as well as their ratifying documents.  There is yet hope, but it does not lie in  the national Republican party...or any other party for that matter.  Our hope lies in a return to the principles of Federalism and of limited government that were laid out by the founding fathers.  These principles remain the law of the land to this day, though they are being ignored and misinterpreted by our government representatives.

Our country can only hope to return to our founding principles if The People, from whom all power of government flows, demand it and are vigilant in overseeing its restoration.  But first, we must understand the principles and the advantages of our system of government as it was established.  In a modest effort to provide some background and understanding of our Federal system of government, I have published several posts on the subject.  These are meant to provide high-level overview of the original intent, structure, and advantages of our government as well as suggestions for how to restore it.  I have referenced these posts below for convienience:

Balance of Power:

This post discusses the balance of power designed into our government.  Not simply between the branches of the Federal government, but between the Federal Government and the States.

The Utility of Federalism:
This installment discusses the advantages of Federalism.

The Road Back to Federalism - Part 1:
Part 1of a 4 Part Series: This post covers the definition and structure of Federalism as well as some of the reasons the founders settled on this form of government.

The Road Back to Federalism - Part 2:
Part 2of a 4 Part Series: This installment discusses the negative influences of Alexander Hamilton on our history and government.

The Road Back to Federalism - Part 3:
Part 3 of a 4 Part Series: This installment attempts to broadly cover some of the major steps in our history that lead to the loss of Federalism

The Road Back to Federalism - Part 4:
Part 4 of a 4 Part Series: The final installment discusses the steps required to return our errant government to the founding principles of Federalism.