Tuesday, March 31, 2020

COVID-19 Update: 3-31-20

The reason I post these updates is to help keep COVID-19 in perspective.  There is an increasing number of experts and observers coming out who are questioning the need for such economy-crushing measures to  fight a virus who's death toll is lower than seasonal influenza.  Then there is this video, where a doctor on the front lines of the outbreak in New York City says that says that avoiding the disease is easy.  Dr. Price says:

“The ways that you get this is the transmission of the virus almost exclusively from your hands to your face, from your hands to your face and inside your eyes, into your nose or into your mouth...”

“Become a hand Nazi. Everything you know about your hands, just keep it clean and you will not get this disease...”

“That is incredibly empowering. The thing that makes me smile a little bit is I actually know now that I won’t get this disease because I know how to protect myself...”

With President Trump's declaration yesterday that the lock-downs will remain in place until at least April 30th, it is probably too late to save the economy from serious recession, but maybe we can learn a lesson about perspective and critical thinking from this debacle. 

Now to the numbers:

Looking at the closing numbers from 3/30/20, the ratios are staying pretty constant.

The percentage of active cases that are Serious/Critical are hovering between 2.1% and 2.6%, which means >97% are categorized "Mild."  This does not mean fun, but it means that there is no need for hospitalization.  These cases can be treated at home with normal flu type treatments of rest, hydration and treatment for fevers.

Compare these numbers to Influenza deaths in the chart below.  2020 Influenza deaths are through week 11 of the year.